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Health insurance benefit coming for SPOA members

Rachel McClamroch

There are few employee benefits as valuable to a business' team members as health insurance. But it can be difficult, especially for a smaller business, to find a health insurance option which addresses employees' needs while still being affordable for both employer and employee.

This is why Interim Executive Director Doyce Crandall is proud to roll out the newest benefit for members of the School Photographers of America national trade association. These benefits come through partnership with Mac Consulting Group, whose consultants work to provide clients with customizable health insurance solutions which will be the most valuable for both employer and employee.

SPOA has partnered with Mac Consulting Group to build a custom health plan for our members.

"Mac Consulting specializes in building custom health plans for associations, association members and standalone employers," says Daniel McCauley, Mac Consulting's founder. "SPOA has evaluated a custom health plan for the last 6 months and have provided the necessary background for you all as members to leverage the power of your association."

McCauley will be leading a breakout session at the SPOA 2024 International Conference in order to more fully lay out the benefits and answer questions. He and SPOA will be providing a case study of one of our members that has already gone through the due diligence process on this health plan. One of the pieces that will be shared during the case study review is how this member will save almost $1,000 per employee per year on prescriptions alone without having to change any of the prescriptions taken by their employees.

Catch this informative session on the Thursday of the conference (July 11), from 9:00-9:45 AM.

We look forward to announcing more about this new benefit as well as sharing with you the work that has been done over the last few months to get everything together for you to leverage this new plan!



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