Based on experience

School, sports and senior photography.
+Hours available that can fit into your current lifestyle – part-time or full-time, seasonal or year-round, flexible scheduling.
+Fun, exciting primary purpose: help kids smile and be themselves.
+Meet and help your community’s amazing teachers and coaches.
+Travel! See scenic southern Wisconsin and northern Illinois. +Drive time and mileage covered.
+Grow your skills! Communication, Computer, Organizational, Leadership, Problem-solving, Public Speaking, Customer service, and Teamwork skills – great points to build up your resume.
+If you love taking selfies or pics of people on your cell phone, try going to the next level.
+Like variety? We have lots to photograph – students, sports teams, game coverage, state finals action, events, and more. You can start with the basics and advance to new subjects and styles.
+Build new friendships with team members.
+Ideal applicant characteristics: Kind, smart, fun – any combination of these three!
Visual Image Photography
Southeastern WI/Northern IL
Job Description:
To apply:
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Date posted:
November 29, 2023 at 11:20:49 PM
Estimated Pay: